

    Is an Imposed Leadership Identity Making You an Insecure Leader?

    Is an Imposed Leadership Identity Making You an Insecure Leader? By: Dr. Kevin John An authentic leadership identity is essential to the health and sustainability of...

    Leadership and Resourcefulness: Embracing New Opportunities through Self-Development

    In today's fast-paced and competitive world, leaders are required to possess a diverse range of skills to navigate the complexities of their roles effectively....

    Avoid Company failure with an effective Board

    Silicon Valley Bank fell in March 2023, and media reports noted that one of the causes of this catastrophe was the board of directors'...

    5 Ways to Start Your Week Off on the Right Foot: Tips for a Productive and Positive Monday Morning

    The first day of the week may be challenging for many people, particularly if they are still exhausted from the previous weekend or are...

    How Executive Leaders Can Embody 3 Superpowers of Superheroes

    How Executive Leaders Can Embody 3 Superpowers of Superheroes By: Dr. Kevin John These days, it is common for both executives and hiring managers to include...

    Are You Multiplying or Minimizing Your Organization’s Climate, Culture, Creativity, and Collaboration?

    Leaders play a crucial role in shaping the identity of other leaders within their organizations. Depending on thought processes, actions, attitudes, behaviors, and situations,...

    7 Qualities a Well-Rounded Boardroom Should Have

    A well-rounded boardroom should have many different things that help it work well and make good decisions. Below are some of the essential qualities...

    New cohort of retail investors bring new trading trends to the table

    The pandemic has impacted people from all walks of life in some shape or form and retail investors are no exception who have been...

    Unlocking the Power of Creative Thinking in the Boardroom

    Companies are always looking for new ways to stay ahead of the competition in today's business world, which is very competitive. One way to...


    Diversity is a word for the many different ways that people, groups, or populations are different from each other. It can mean differences in...

    DEI – Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are referred to as DEI. It is a set of rules that tries to make sure everyone is treated with...

    Building a Board of Advisors for Your Startup: The Benefits

    Beginning a new business can be an exciting as well as overwhelming experience, and as the founder of the company, you might find that...

    Building a Board of Advisors: Mentorship

    A fledgling business can benefit greatly from having a board of advisors. The chance for mentorship is one of the main advantages of having...

    Building a Board of Advisors: Increased Confidence

    Growing pains are common for a beginning business as it develops and grows. The leadership team might not be able to handle the pressure...

    Building a Board of Advisors: Improved Governance

    A startup company or any company can gain a lot from having a board of advisors, including better governance. This group of qualified and...

    Building a Board of Advisors: Increased Credibility

    A board of advisors can be a big help for a business that is just getting started. It can offer many benefits that can...