
    Steven J. Domm: A Visionary Leader in Business Development and Strategic Growth

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    With over 35 years of distinguished leadership experience, Steven J. Domm has demonstrated exceptional managerial prowess, strategic business development acumen, and a commitment to fostering financial growth. Proficient in financial planning and analysis, Steven has effectively managed diverse projects, negotiated deals, and navigated complex financial landscapes with precision. Adept at project management, Steven has overseen numerous initiatives, from capital expenditure proposals to facility expansions, consistently delivering results on time and within budget. Possessing strong negotiation skills, Steven has successfully led high-stakes negotiations with state and federal agencies, legislative bodies, and industry stakeholders, achieving favorable outcomes for all parties involved. Known for his exemplary board and community relations, Steven has built strong partnerships, facilitated legislative efforts, and contributed to the betterment of various communities and organizations.

    In his role as President and CEO of SMBSC (Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative), Steven was instrumental in driving organizational transformation and financial success. He led strategic initiatives, implemented modernization projects, and resolved regulatory challenges, positioning the cooperative for long-term sustainability and growth. As President and CEO of CPI (Cooperative Producers Inc.), Steven transformed a struggling cooperative into a profitable enterprise within a year, demonstrating remarkable leadership and operational expertise. Additionally, as CEO of Central Farmers’ Cooperative, he spearheaded the turnaround of a stagnant cooperative, achieving record earnings, expanding service areas, and modernizing facilities, resulting in sustained profitability and organizational growth.

    Steve Domm brings a wealth of expertise in entrepreneurship and fundraising to the table, with a track record of successfully launching new ventures and securing equity for their growth. Notably, during his tenure at Central Farmers Cooperative, Steve played a pivotal role in securing a staggering $50 million for the establishment of a 100-million-gallon-per-year ethanol plant. His strategic acumen and ability to navigate complex financial landscapes underscore his proficiency in driving ambitious projects to fruition. Steve’s experience exemplifies his dedication to innovation and resourcefulness in achieving tangible results.

    Steven’s career reflects a legacy of visionary leadership, strategic foresight, and unwavering dedication to the agricultural industry and rural communities. He has led successful lobbying efforts, advocated for disaster relief aid, and actively engaged in community service, serving in various leadership roles. With a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics and leadership training from reputable institutions, Steven continues to be a driving force in advancing the interests of agricultural communities and fostering economic prosperity.

    Character: Steven J. Domm embodies integrity and ethics, consistently prioritizing the well-being of customers and stakeholders in all endeavors.

    Knowledge: With over 35 years of experience, Steven possesses deep industry expertise and strategic insight, enabling him to navigate complex financial landscapes and drive organizational success.

    Strategic: Steven demonstrates a keen ability to develop and execute long-range plans, drive organizational transformation, and capitalize on market opportunities to achieve sustainable growth and profitability.

    Communication: Steven excels in communication, fostering strong relationships with stakeholders, leading negotiations, and advocating for legislative initiatives to achieve favorable outcomes for all parties involved.


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    Lisa Williams is a versatile professional with a strong track record in marketing, business ownership, and interior design. Currently, as the Marketing Director at Boardsi since February 2021, she has been a driving force behind the company's branding and strategy. Her creative vision and strategic insight have been instrumental in Boardsi's growth and success. With a history of entrepreneurial ventures, Lisa owned Tootsies Shoes, a boutique from February 2017 to September 2019, where she managed sales, accounts, buying, and merchandising. Earlier, at Pottery Barn, she excelled as a Sales and Interior Design Specialist from February 2008 to May 2016, bringing her talent for creating appealing living spaces and exceptional customer service. Lisa's educational foundation was laid at California State University, Chico, where she earned her bachelor's degree in Interior Design in 2004, coupled with active involvement in the Alpha Delta Pi Sorority.