
    Lawrence Comdeco Jr.

    Lawrence Comdeco Jr, a seasoned executive and strategic advisor, boasts over a decade of leadership experience, guiding organizations through transformation with expertise in Operations Management, Organizational Development, Learning and Development (L&D), Talent Development, Healthcare, Technology, Culture Improvement, and Human Resources. He has successfully led a SaaS tech company through robust feedback and multi-unit beta testing for US Federal government applications. As a trusted advisor to senior leadership teams, Lawrence combines employee advocacy with strategic direction to foster ownership and process improvements. His strong leadership was evident as Command Master Chief in the US Navy, where he earned the Retention Excellence Award and improved retention, reduced mishaps, and increased productivity through efficient onboarding processes. Lawrence's proficiency in strategic planning, risk management, crisis management, and financial management, along with his skills in project management, public relations, negotiation, and HR information systems, showcases his versatility. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Health Communication from Excelsior University, advanced leadership training from the U.S. Naval War College, and is an SPHR candidate via the O2O IVMF program at Syracuse University. As an advisory board member for Parentfile and an active contributor to professional groups like Trust Edge Leadership Certified Partners, PMP Bootcamp, and American Corporate Partners (ACP) Connects, Lawrence remains at the forefront of strategic thought leadership. His certifications include Six Sigma Yellow Belt and Trust Edge Leadership Coach, embodying executive leadership with strategic foresight, ethical practice, and talent development across military and civilian sectors.
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